Back to the work topic. How has the company changed since you have been here?
Remarkably! Every year KRONUS reaches new heights, not only in terms of numbers and tasks and the number of employees, but also in terms of the orderliness of processes. Many processes have been introduced, developed and organised, including in my field, for example, the 1:1 development interview process, training planning is more structured than before, the selection and induction process has been created, and is constantly being improved. In general, a lot of functions have been developed that were previously minimal or simply not present in the company. Colleagues have put a huge amount of effort into organising finance, quality, marketing, logistics, production, planning, sales and other processes. Process improvement is a never-ending story, but if you compare KRONUS then and now, they are two different companies. But what I am most pleased about is the company culture, which has changed over these three years, with the addition of new people, the change of the organisation itself, its leaders – very much for the better. We have learned to give feedback and to work in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. We are happy that we no longer tolerate toxic or disrespectful behaviour and that we are building a team that cares about our values, that people who value the employee, who are open, results-oriented team players are becoming managers. Of course, today, as three years ago, there is no shortage of problems, issues to be solved or difficult situations created by more complex personalities. However, I think that we have learned to deal with them in a professional manner. I believe that KRONUS will soon become a model of what a modern export company should be. We are on our way, and we are close to that goal.