What challenges do you face in your everyday work?
It is definitely the personnel, the attitude of the personnel is not right, they tend to be fickle. They may come in today and not come in tomorrow. At best, they write and say they will not be there. Other times you sit there and think, maybe something has happened to the person. It seems normal to them. At that point, it is practically impossible to get another employee, so we have to start planning all over again. We plan the next working day the night before with all the employees, so this kind of change affects the whole process if faced with this situation in the morning. The rest can be dealt with and the situation can be resolved. We have seen this fickleness of employees in particular recently. As the company grows, the number of employees increases, so do the problems that have to be faced on a daily basis.
Can the support of KRONUS and other managers be felt in the professional development path?
Yes, of course. This is one of the key aspects that helps to continue doing things. Without support, nothing would exist. It is not that we are alone in production and management seems not to care, it is not like that. There is a lot of support, there is genuine sympathy, there are meetings where we are listened to and problems are solved. They actually address them, not just put them on paper and set them aside. If an employee asks something, we try to solve the problem ourselves, if that is not possible, we pass it on to management and it is solved. We definitely feel heard and listened to.
What is it like to work with LEAN and the Adizes methodology on a daily basis?
They are all improvement processes. In the past people worked differently, now they are told and shown how it is easier, more convenient and faster. There is a plus to any kind of learning. I myself have done a lot of courses and training, which definitely contributes to self-development. The knowledge I gained 20 years ago would not really help me in my daily life today. That is why I have to keep learning and improving. Every employee has the opportunity to learn. The career ladder is open and there is room for everyone to grow.
Does the team turn to you for advice?
We have a meeting time from 15:00 to 16:00 every day, and employees definitely make use of this time. That does not mean that they cannot come and talk outside these hours. Employees talk to us and we talk to them. That is how the sense of collective is built. The employees are also very supportive of each other, it is not like a new employee will be refused help or what they do not understand won’t be explained. The collective spirit is visible and felt!